Which of the following is not a principal responsibility of a property manager?

Other legal action can be taken against tenants, but evicting them by force is not legally and ethically correct. Property managers have a _______ relationship with the landlord.

Which of the following is not a principal responsibility of a property manager?

Other legal action can be taken against tenants, but evicting them by force is not legally and ethically correct. Property managers have a _______ relationship with the landlord. One of the fundamental responsibilities of the property manager is A. Obtaining construction loans for the principal, b.

Finding a buyer for the property, d. Maintain a good reputation in a professional association of managers Effective gross income is defined as The efficiency of marketing activities can be measured in terms of: If a property's vacancy rate is significantly lower than the market, it may be a sign that the manager needs A. Why does a manager need to keep tenants happy? What are the three types of maintenance that an administrator must perform on a managed property?A. Emergency, elective and optional The Americans with Disabilities Act requires property managers to comply with which of the following statements about the property manager's responsibility for safety and security are true? A.

The manager has no responsibility for the safety of the building other than ensuring that the fire doors and sprinklers work, b. The manager's security responsibilities are limited to common areas, c. A court can hold the manager responsible for the physical safety of tenants, employees and customers in leased facilities, d.The manager's security responsibilities are limited to tenants and their employees in leased facilities. Commercial fire and hazard insurance policies typically require coverage equal to 80 percent of the property.

Trust funds managed by the property manager are likely to include all of the following, except A. Cash for the operating expenses of the management company, c.Capital contributions from the owner. What type of agency is commonly created by a management agreement? A. Invicario The rights, duties and responsibilities of the owner and manager are A.

They are distributed according to the terms of the management agreement, b. Regulated by the Universal Law on Landlord-Tenant Relations. Which of the following options describes a gross lease? If an apartment contains a refrigerator that is not included in the lease, A. The tenant must purchase it from the landlord, b.

The landlord has an obligation to remove it, c.The lease agreement is invalid due to an incomplete description of the property, d. The property manager doesn't have to maintain it. A basic responsibility of the landlord is: A. To provide the leased space at market rental prices, b.

Keep the rented space freshly painted, d. Refrain from entering the leased space at any time during the term of the lease. How does a constructive eviction occur? A. The landlord obtains a court order to force the tenant to vacate the leased premises, b.

A judicial officer forcibly removes the tenant from the premises, c. A tenant declares the landlord in default and evicts the leased premises, d. The landlord declares the tenant in default and takes possession of the leased premises. Among the essential elements of a management plan is the consideration of A.

The competitive property market, b. Marketing is one of the main functions of a property manager. The administrator has no responsibility for the safety of the building other than ensuring that the fire doors and sprinklers work. They are also responsible for resolving any complaints or meeting any needs that tenants may have regarding the property.

To get an answer to these questions, you must first understand the roles, duties, and responsibilities of a property manager. Property managers are responsible for keeping property healthy, livable, presentable and operational. A court can hold the administrator responsible for the physical safety of tenants, employees, and customers in leased facilities.

Chelsey Reihe
Chelsey Reihe

Avid food nerd. Friendly beer specialist. Wannabe pop culture buff. Certified tv nerd. Hipster-friendly bacon fanatic. Incurable beer aficionado.