Jimmy is buying property and plans to rent it out for business purposes. Your ability to earn income from rent is affecting the amount you're willing to bid. B) Landlord means the owner, landlord, or subtenant of a residential premises, the landlord's agent, landlord, or subleaser, or any person authorized by the landlord, landlord, or subtenant to manage facilities or receive rent from a tenant under a rental agreement. Therefore, the general assembly concludes and declares that, for these reasons, achieving an adequate housing supply is a matter of paramount concern throughout the state, requiring a uniform approach to rent control and stabilization measures in residential premises across the state.
What is a property manager's overriding responsibility?
Jimmy is buying property and plans to rent it out for business purposes. Your ability to earn income from rent is affecting the amount you're willing to bid.
Chelsey Reihe12/06/20240 minutes read

Chelsey Reihe
Avid food nerd. Friendly beer specialist. Wannabe pop culture buff. Certified tv nerd. Hipster-friendly bacon fanatic. Incurable beer aficionado.