What degree is best for property management?

Consider completing a certificate in property management at a polytechnic. This qualification is not essential, but it is designed for people who are already working as such.

What degree is best for property management?

Consider completing a certificate in property management at a polytechnic. This qualification is not essential, but it is designed for people who are already working as such. The Bachelor of Business (Property) at Massey University will give you an introduction to a wide range of professional skills relevant to the industry. These include real estate development, management, valuation, finance, investment, and the economy.

Commercial real estate companies often prefer to hire graduates with a degree in property management, finance, or marketing. They typically specialize in residential or commercial properties, such as commercial spaces, office buildings, or industrial buildings. Property management involves the daily management of commercial properties, including office buildings, retail outlets, industrial properties, and apartments. Real estate development involves planning the purchase, development, and sale of new or existing properties.

Chelsey Reihe
Chelsey Reihe

Avid food nerd. Friendly beer specialist. Wannabe pop culture buff. Certified tv nerd. Hipster-friendly bacon fanatic. Incurable beer aficionado.